Saskatoon Public Library Collective Agreement: Understanding the Basics
A collective agreement is a legal agreement between an employer and a union that represents the employees. It outlines the terms and conditions of employment such as pay, benefits, and working conditions. A collective agreement is binding to both parties and serves as a means to resolve disputes between them.
The Saskatoon Public Library Collective Agreement is the contract that sets the terms and conditions of employment for employees of the Saskatoon Public Library. The agreement covers over 100 employees and is negotiated between the Saskatoon Public Library Board and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 2669.
The current agreement was signed in 2019 and is effective until December 31, 2022. It outlines the following key areas:
Wages and Benefits
The agreement sets out the pay scale for library employees, with annual negotiated increases. It also outlines the benefits that employees are entitled to, such as health and dental plans, sick leave, and vacation time.
Hours of Work and Overtime
The agreement specifies the hours of work for employees, including regular work hours and overtime. It also sets out the rates of pay for overtime work.
Job Security and Seniority
The agreement outlines the job security provisions for library employees, including the process for layoffs, recall rights, and severance pay. It also establishes the seniority system, which is based on the length of service and determines the order in which employees are laid off or recalled.
Workplace Safety and Training
The agreement includes provisions for workplace safety and training, with an emphasis on preventing workplace injuries and illnesses. It sets out the training that employees are required to complete and the health and safety committees that oversee workplace safety.
Dispute Resolution
The agreement establishes a grievance procedure, which outlines the process for resolving disputes between employees and management. It also provides for a binding arbitration process to resolve disputes that cannot be resolved through the grievance procedure.
The Saskatoon Public Library Collective Agreement is an essential tool for ensuring fair and equitable treatment of library employees. It sets out the terms and conditions of employment and provides a framework for resolving disputes between employees and management. By understanding the basics of the collective agreement, library employees can ensure that their rights and interests are protected.